“Worth Fighting For!” – Next Community Meeting on December 5

Please join the IndivisibleNOCO community on Thursday, December 5 from 6:00-8:00 PM. At this meeting we will continue our discussion from last time with a focus on preparing for the work ahead. We will review the relevant parts of the strategy laid out in the new Indivisible Guide, identify priorities given our resources and motivationsContinue reading ““Worth Fighting For!” – Next Community Meeting on December 5”

Larimer County and Poudre School District Ballot Issues

Ballot Issue 1A increases the existing county sales and use tax by imposing a 0.15% (15 cents on 100 dollars) countywide transportation sales and use tax. Revenues will be used for the repair and renovation of county streets and related infrastructure.  Vote Yes. The revenues from this tax contribute to quality-of-life expenditures, including on safeContinue reading “Larimer County and Poudre School District Ballot Issues”

City of Loveland Ballot Issues

Loveland 2E: Authorizing the City of Loveland to impose an additional 1.00% sales tax with the revenue generated by such tax to be used for municipal purposes. IndivisibleNOCO recommends voting YES Loveland currently has the lowest tax burden of any mid- to large-sized municipality in Northern Colorado. If the tax rate is not increased, LovelandContinue reading “City of Loveland Ballot Issues”

City of Fort Collins Ballot Measures

Ballot Issue 2A extends and existing sales and use tax of 25 cents per $100 purchase. Revenues will be used for the repair and renovation of city streets and related infrastructure.  Vote Yes. The revenues from this tax contribute to quality-of-life expenditures, including on safe streets.  Ballot Issue 2B amends the City Charter regarding CityContinue reading “City of Fort Collins Ballot Measures”

Vote No on Proposition 131

Proposition 131 proposes amending the Colorado statutes to: IndivisibleNOCO recommends voting NO on this proposition. IndivisibleNOCO supports ranked choice voting. However, the all-candidate primary election included in the measure is a thinly veiled ploy to lend more power to wealthy backers of politically camouflaged candidates. Proposition 131 adds another level of gamesmanship to the ColoradoContinue reading “Vote No on Proposition 131”

Vote No on Proposition 130

Proposition 130 proposes amending the Colorado statutes to direct the state to spend $350 million to help recruit, train and retain local law enforcement officers by: IndivisibleNOCO recommends voting NO on Proposition 130. Proposition 130 is a citizen’s initiative put forth by Suzanne Taheri and Michael Fields, who are among the state’s most active conservativeContinue reading “Vote No on Proposition 130”

Proposition 129

Proposition 129 would create a new, state regulated position of veterinary professional associate (VPA) and establish its educational requirements. Currently, licensed veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and veterinary technician specialists practice in Colorado and are regulated by the State Board of Veterinary Medicine. The new VPA position would require a master’s degree in veterinary clinical care. VPAsContinue reading “Proposition 129”

Vote No on Proposition 128

Proposition 128 proposes amending the Colorado statutes to increase the amount of prison time a person convicted of certain violent crimes to serve at least 85% of their sentence in prison before they can become eligible for discretionary supervised parole or can begin to reduce their sentence for good behavior or progressing towards certain personal,Continue reading “Vote No on Proposition 128”