Vote Yes on Amendment G

person in brown camouflage military uniform

Ballot Language: Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution concerning the expansion of eligibility for the property tax exemption for veterans with a disability to include a veteran who does not have a service-connected disability rated as a one hundred percent permanent disability but does have individual unemployability status?

Amendment G expands the homestead property tax exemption to an estimated 3700 veterans whom the Veterans Administration judges as unable to work due to a significant service-related disability. Currently, the exemption is only available to veterans who have a 100% permanent disability rating from the VA. The homestead exemption makes 50% of the first $200,000 of the home’s value tax exempt. 

The state estimates this expanded exemption will cost about $2 million in property tax revenue per year. The state is required to reimburse local governments for the lost tax revenue, either from the TABOR refund pool or the general fund if tax revenues are not great enough for TABOR refunds.

IndivisibleNOCO recommends a YES vote on Amendment G. The state legislature voted unanimously to place this amendment on the ballot. This is a relatively small amount of money to help veterans who suffered significant injury in the line of duty.