Debt Ceiling

person holding black ceramic pig coin bank

What happens if the debt ceiling is not raised by October

  • Absent action on the debt ceiling, the Bipartisan Policy Center calculates that the Treasury would fall short by $80 billion sometime in October, meaning it couldn’t pay all of its bills for that month.
    • When the Treasury falls short, it will be impossible to pay, on a day-to-day basis, for important and popular programs (e.g., Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, defense, military active duty pay)
    • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin would face a host of chaotic, legally questionable, and technically difficult decisions of who to pay on time and who to put off until lawmakers act
  • Republican leaders keep promising that the debt ceiling will be raised in time, but their caucus can’t agree on how to do so
  • Among their disagreements is whether to pass a “clean” debt ceiling increase — meaning no other measures are attached to the bill — or tie any increase to spending cuts that many conservatives are calling for

Read more here.