Debunking the NRA’s Lies and Myths Distorting the Gun Control Debate

Another mass shooting.  Politicians will be praying, thinking and calling for action.  They will blame mental illness, video games, a godless society – just about anything other than the root problem – access to guns in the United States is easy and unregulated.  The NRA craftily controls the messaging around gun regulation, much of which is empirically false.  It also controls politicians (our own Senator Gardner is the fifth highest Senate recipient of NRA money at $4m and Representative Buck is the second highest House recipient at about $850k).

If you are as tired of the lies and messages as we are, please read this Fact Sheet.  It is based on (and unashamedly copies from) a 2017 Forbes article by Chris Ladd.  The article is sadly as relevant, or more relevant, today (2019) as it was in October 2017.

Read more here.