Cathy Kipp

House District 52

I would love to hear about what you think is important to Colorado.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me at or give me a call 970-219-5267.

Cathy Kipp

Cathy Kipp is running for reelection for Colorado House District 52.  A strong supporter of progressive issues, she has been representing eastern Fort Collins in the Colorado Assembly since 2019.  Redistricting has made House District 52 a Republican target so let’s make sure we have a strong turnout to secure progressive representation for Fort Collins!

Ms. Kipp prioritizes listening to constituents and many have her personal cell number.  Her top issues are:

  • Education:  Fully fund the public education system so all students have the opportunity to receive an excellent education and we can adequately pay our teachers.
  • Healthcare:  Create price transparency for prescription drugs, medical services, and doctors’ fees in order to achieve health care for all, including access to quality mental health and substance abuse resources in Colorado.
  • Environment: Mitigate climate change, and advocate for clean air and water. Supports Governor Polis’ vision of 100% renewable energy in Colorado by 2040 
  • Transportation: Repair existing roads and bridges while adapting and creating innovative, multi-modal transit options

As our representative, Ms. Kipp serves on the House Education, Finance, and Appropriations Committees.  Her many legislative achievements include:

  • Providing tax relief for families and businesses, eliminating taxes on essentials like diapers and feminine products, and reducing car registration and licensing fees
  • Increasing and preserving opportunities for affordable housing and home ownership
  • Investing in and expanding access to behavioral health
  • Reducing health care costs for Coloradoans by ensuring we don’t face surprise medical bills, reducing costs for prescription medication, making fertility treatments more affordable and supporting the new Colorado Option health plan
  • Supporting accesses to childcare and free universal pre-K and reduced costs for obtaining college degrees
  • Working to protect communities from wildfire

You can read about the full extent of Ms. Kipp’s legislative achievements and sponsored bills in the Colorado General Assembly:  Cathy Kipp | Colorado General Assembly.
The mother of twin boys, Ms. Kipp started actively volunteering in PSD schools when her boys entered Kindergarten and soon became an active volunteer at the school district level.  She served as a locally elected member of the Poudre School District School Board from 2011 to 2019, also serving for a term as Board President. On the board, Ms. Kipp started monthly listening sessions to make sure the community’s voice was heard and led the board in education advocacy efforts at both the state and federal levels.To learn more about Cathy Kipp, volunteer or donate, go to: