Jena Griswold

Secretary of State

Every eligible Coloradoan, Republican, Independent, or Democrat alike—should have their voice heard in our elections.

Jena Griswold

Jena Griswold, Colorado’s Secretary of State, is running for re-election this November.  In her first term, Jena has accomplished much to protect and defend elections and democracy.  As Secretary of State, Ms. Griswold made the Colorado elections system one of the finest in the United States and has been a national voice for voter rights and election security. 

Free and fair elections are the cornerstones of democracy, and both are in peril.  Over the past 18 months, we have seen how important the Secretary of State is in protecting access to the polls and ensuring all votes are counted.  Thanks to Secretary of State Jena Griswold, Colorado is now often referred to as “the Gold Standard” for free and fair elections.

Strengthening Voters’ Rights and Voter Access to Elections

Ms. Griswold worked to ensure every eligible Colorado voter’s right to vote in safe and secure elections by:

  • Expanding automatic voter registration and making it easier to vote
  • Opposing conservatives’ commission to discourage eligible citizens from voting
  • Backing protections for voters and election administrators, as well as ongoing security improvements to election infrastructure
  • Supporting the Vote Without Fear Act that strengthens laws against voter intimidation

 Counteracting Disinformation and “Stolen Elections” Falsehoods

Ms. Griswold continues to work to combat misinformation/disinformation related to the election process.  In response to false claims of “stolen elections” in 2020, she stated that “Colorado elections can’t be stolen, due to extensive and transparent audit and security procedures,” adding that in Colorado “fraud is extremely rare, easily identified, and prosecuted.”

Transparency for Campaign Contributions

Jena believes “corruption should have no place in Colorado” and has worked to get hidden campaign donors and secret money out of Colorado State campaigns.   She pushed to change Colorado’s campaign finance laws to make contributions more transparent and seeks to make sure lobbyists, special interest groups, and politicians play by the rules.

Preventing “Insider” Election Threats

To prevent “insider threats” to elections, Ms. Griswold backed state legislation to require increased security and training, including certification, for elections officials, is proposing 24-hour video surveillance at election sites and supports stronger penalties for those who break election laws.

Support for Small Businesses

While election oversight is the most visible aspect of the Secretary of State’s job, it is not the only aspect.  Ms. Griswold oversees and administers many laws relating to businesses and charities.  She is devoted to helping and promoting small businesses and provided support during the pandemic.  She has reduced small business filing fees to $1 and seeks to provide small business owners with victim relief for identity theft.

About Jena Griswold

Ms. Griswold began her term in January 2019 as the youngest elected Secretary of State in the United States.  She is also the first Democrat elected to serve as Colorado’s Secretary of State in 60 years.  Before she began her term, Ms. Griswold practiced international anti-corruption law and worked as a voter protection attorney.  She speaks Spanish fluently.

Jena will face the winning candidate for Secretary of State from the GOP primary, which will be held on June 28, 2022.  GOP candidates include Tina Peters and Pam Anderson.  Tina Peters is the Mesa County Elections Clerk who has been barred from over-seeing elections in her own county and refuses to suspend her campaign after receiving multiple grand jury indictments related to tampering with secure voting equipment.  Pam Anderson is a former Jefferson County Clerk and former director of the Colorado County Clerk’s Association.With all that is at stake right now, let’s make sure that Colorado remains the gold standard for elections by re-electing Jena Griswold for Secretary of State!